Monday, October 1, 2012

The end of the movie!

Today in human geography we finished up the movie. Before the movie ended a lot of things happened to the boys. Daniel talks about his friend that had a breakdown; he says that he does not blame his friend for doing this because there are so many images of the war in Sudan in their minds and it would cause anyone to go a little crazy. It is the fourth of July, but even thought this is a happy time for us; watching fireworks, and listening to them, it makes the lost boys scared and somewhat sad because the loud noises makes them remember the bombings and the shootings that went on. After this John talks about how he knows that God created him for a reason, he did not live through burying all his friends for nothing. John was right because he is making a big difference in helping Sudan; he organized a march to raise awareness about all the bad things happening to his homeland. The lost boys have a reunion in Michigan. While at the reunion John comes upon the conclusion that he thinks the younger boys will forsake their culture because America has changed them greatly in the way they dress, talk, and act. After the reunion the boys go back to their houses; Panther talks about how he wants to go to Pitt. University to get his bachelor’s degree. He also talks about how different things have become for them like how at first 200$ was so much money to them but now that they have bills to pay and need to buy everything required to live their standard of a lot of  money has changed. Panther wants to go back to his country to marry his girlfriend and to educate his country with all the things he has learned. John calls his mother and is going to meet her; meanwhile he becomes the secretary for the lost boys unity in phoenix and wants to raise money for the lost boys and girls in order for them to go to school. We find out that Daniel gets another job at the supermarket and talks about while he was working he saw a woman crying and he comforted her because no one would, he says that she felt a sense of home while he was with her. John finally after 17 years of separation from his mother, gets to see  her again and he also gets to see his sister. When John enters the airport he talks to some people interviewing him and says although he is happy, he is sad for the other lost boys who have yet to be reunited with their families. When John sees his mother he runs to her and he hugs his sister and then he hugs his mother; his mother was so overwhelmed with emotions that she collapses into his arms and cries and so does he. Anonde is his mother’s name; she was so excited to see her son that she danced and sung all the way out of the airport. Panther also receives a big moment; he gets to go back to Africa and he gets married to his girlfriend and he hopes to bring her back with him, he says he is going to put a school in his village because he got his degree in economics. Panther was also one of the lucky few to see his family again. We find out that John founded a non-profit organization to help out Sudan and he also makes it known that he wants to build a medical center in Dinka. Unfortunately Daniel has still not been reunited with his family. I thought that this was probably the most amazing stories that I have ever heard. I can say that I enjoyed the movie at parts, but it was also probably the saddest story I have ever heard. I am really glad that we got to watch this movie in class because it really opened up my eyes to what really goes on in the world, we live in a place where we take things for granted like showers and money and even food, but some people are not as lucky as us and they don’t have the nice things that we do. Seeing this movie makes me want to do something and help out countries like Sudan. I found this website and maybe if we all donated we could get some water wells for Sudan and get them fresh water-

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