Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Our presentations

Today in human Geo we presented our projects to the class. We learned that the Native Americans lived in America about 12,000- 17,000 years ago, and that when we conquered America, we pushed them out of their own home and they eventually ended up on separate reservations, which is the only land that they can truly call theirs now. My group did our presentation on the Vikings. We talked about how they arrived in America at around 1,000 AD and the very first Viking to arrive was Leif Eriksson. The Vikings came to America on big long ships, but they were not the first, the Native Americans were there before them, also we talked about what they built their homes with like turf and wood. The Vikings also farmed wheat, barley and rye, but they left after a while because of conflicts. The last group did their presentation as Christopher Columbus, and he did not intend on finding America, he was just trying to find a shorter route to India when he stumbled upon this big piece of land. As everyone knows, Columbus and his men did conquer America.

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