Monday, August 27, 2012

first human geography class!

My first day in human geography was packed with information. The first thing that we learned was the prayer that we will be saying in class. Then we talked about the syllabus and how we are going to keep up writing on our blog every single night. The blog will contain what we have learned in class that day. We also talked about how important it is to participate in class and pay attention, I like that it says this because if we don’t pay attention in class how are we supposed to know what is going on, and benefit from the lesson. We are also going to try to be a green class/school by doing a lot of our work online, just like writing this blog instead of printing it out and handing it into class every day, I think that this is important because we are taking small steps throughout the school to help the environment. The last thing we talked about was rules about the computers, we should always have them charged and ready for class and we do not play games on them during class. That is what we talked about today.

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