Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Today's human Geo class!

           Day three of human Geography. Today we started off by welcoming 5 new people into our classroom. It was kind of hectic because some people including myself had some computer issues that they had to fix during class, I had to fix/ setup my student email, and so did a bunch of other people.  The new kids in our class learned how to say our prayer that we say every day and we showed them our blogs that we type up every night and how they could make them, and we just had fun with each other. I can already tell how close everyone is in John Carroll, because even though we haven’t known each other that long, we are still ready to jump in and help our classmates when they need us and we need them.. W even got to have little mini doughnuts in class. I really enjoy human geo and today was extra fun, we talked and laughed and had a great time. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Message to Garcia

Today in human Geography class we talked about “A Message to Garcia.” This story is about how President McKinley wrote a letter to be given to a General named Garcia, whom at the time was very hard to find. President McKinley was told of a man named Rowan, this man would go on to complete the task for the president without even asking where Garcia was.  In the rest of the story the author talked about how no one is like Rowan, so willing to do the job without asking how or why, this story should tell us that if someone is told to do a job or task, they should do what Rowan did and they should not be questioning the person who gave them the order. The author also continued to explain that when he was a child there were more people like Rowan, willing to do their jobs, but nowadays there aren’t so many people like Rowan, we have gone downhill and people have become lazy. So how are we supposed to work together if we can’t even do our individual jobs ourselves? If we don’t do our jobs right then we will get fired- survival of the fittest/ culling of the herd-to weed out the slow and less able. We talked a lot about how the culling of the herd can refer to animals as well as humans, like deer can either move when they hear a hunter or they stay and get shot, the more focused and determined you are the better. Humans have evolved from the earlier forms of life; we are more adapted to the world that we live in now, but we all need to be more like Rowan.

Monday, August 27, 2012

first human geography class!

My first day in human geography was packed with information. The first thing that we learned was the prayer that we will be saying in class. Then we talked about the syllabus and how we are going to keep up writing on our blog every single night. The blog will contain what we have learned in class that day. We also talked about how important it is to participate in class and pay attention, I like that it says this because if we don’t pay attention in class how are we supposed to know what is going on, and benefit from the lesson. We are also going to try to be a green class/school by doing a lot of our work online, just like writing this blog instead of printing it out and handing it into class every day, I think that this is important because we are taking small steps throughout the school to help the environment. The last thing we talked about was rules about the computers, we should always have them charged and ready for class and we do not play games on them during class. That is what we talked about today.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

My first day at John Carroll

My first day at John Carroll started out with me being both nervous and excited. We began our day by meeting some of the many teachers and other incoming freshmen. After already having our break, we were escorted to four different locations by sophomores, in each of these stations we learned a lot of information concerning many things, two of them being our dress code and counseling. Then we got to have a wonderful lunch with our friends in the cafeteria. After lunch we headed out to our different classes to try and get a feel for what being a student at John Carroll would be like. We got to meet a lot of the teachers that we would normally have during the week, and we were able to see what their plans for us in class were. I really enjoyed my first day at John Carroll because I got to meet a lot of new friends and I was able to get to know them a little before the day ended. John Carroll is definitely the right high school for me because I love how close everyone is with each other and the school staff is very welcoming. The beginning of the day was filled with nervousness, but I am not nervous at all anymore after the great day I  had.