Today in
Human Geography we went over the rest of the questions we had for homework.
Then we talked about how far cell phones have come in this time. They used to
be really big and bulky to carry around.
Then at the end of class we watched a video on evolution during this
time, and it was really interesting. The two things that I thought were the
most interesting were 1: how Face book has
845 million active users also 2:
I thought it was truly amazing that in 2049 there will be a “super
computer” that is smarter than the entire
human species. Our human race has become so intelligent and technology dependent
and everything is on
computers. We have grown into probably the greatest version of ourselves that
we could have ever been. We are getting smarter and smarter and I can’t wait to
see what our lives will be like 20 or thirty years from now!

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