Saturday, January 5, 2013

James Diamond and his world famous book!

Jared Diamond was born on December 10th 1937 and he was born in Boston Massachusetts into a Jewish family.  He is a professor at U.C.L.A and he teaches Geography. Jared is also an author, an ornithologist (the studying of birds), and he is also an anthropologist (the study of cultures). As an author he won the Pulitzer prize for his book Guns, germs, and steel. He is now married with twins and he has always been interested in birds so he went out to Papua New Guinea Island to do some more research and while he was there he discovered that unlike our modern civilization, the people of Papua New Guinea do not have a developed civilization at all really. James Diamond’s theory was- why did some civilizations advance and why others didn't  some people like the people in Papua New Guinea, still live the way people did 13,000 years ago.
One of his most famous books is Guns, Germs, and Steel. This book tries to explain how the Eurasians were able to conquer so many places; this book also explains why guns, germs, and steel were a main factor in their victories. In this book James talks about how important the locations were for these conquerors because if they found a place where there was no sickness they would be ok, also if they found a place where crops could be grown and there were animals for them they would thrive, becoming stronger and stronger. Eventually these people would become more civilized, making weapons, farming and using other natural resources making them highly evolved.  

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