Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Today in human geography we started our class off by reviewing what we watched yesterday in the movie. We learned the following: Most of the cars being made in China are for American companies. When the Chinese want to buy a car they save up their cash to buy it, they do not use a credit card for it. Chinese car making factories have to be watched to make sure they aren't cutting corners on safety precautions in order to make more profit. There was a man that was being interviewed and he was making 28 dollars when working for an American man and when he changed jobs to work for a Chinese man he only would make 15 dollars an hour instead of 28. They also mentioned one of the biggest auto part industries which is Wanxiang, Chinese auto part industries will soon become the largest. The last thing we talked about was that China is the biggest producer and consumer of steel and that the Pittsburgh Steelers got their name because Pittsburgh was a steel State.

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