Monday, November 12, 2012

Nuclear war

Today we went over our pop quizzes that we took on Friday. We started going over the answers and we really got to talking about how Benjamin Netanyahu wanted to order a pre-emptive strike against Iran and how Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants to also order a nuclear strike against Israel.  Also we said some things about Fidel Castro, who is a communist, has been in power for over 50 years and he has passed his power to his brother in law. Ever since he took power in Cuba we have not been able to trade with them, we cannot even buy cigars from them because it is illegal. There has also been a lot of drug dealing going on between Cuba and us because most of the people in our country have a bad habit of doing drugs and we can’t stop buying them from other countries. The last thing we talked about was how there are a lot of nuclear power plants near people’s home and they are always testing bombs in that vicinity.

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