Monday, September 3, 2012

Essay 3- five point plan

My five point action plan would have to be this- one: I would begin by improving my study habits. In the classroom I will always pay attention to what we are talking about and I will not distract myself on the computer and I will participate and also I will take notes when appropriate. At home I will not let things such as the TV,  the computer or my family pull  my attention away from my studies, I will review what we went over in class by quizzing myself on the notes we have taken. Two: Try to develop a routine for myself that allows me to complete my homework and my studies but also allows me to get an appropriate amount of sleep. Three: To help prepare myself for when I graduate and go into the real world, I will start to work on my social skills and I will work on developing a self-help plan to prepare me for interviews that I may go to. Four: Extracurricular activities are important when it comes to applying to college. I will work to get into an activity that I will benefit from; this will also help me in trying to be a little more social. Five:  My fifth would have to be completing my service hours. I will strive to complete my service hours early; I will do this by trying to attend the beach Mont camp so that also others will benefit from my contribution. This is my five point plan to being the best person that I can be. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a fantastic plan, Maria! I hope you can stick to it because it sounds like a perfect recipe for success. (And if you are looking for a good extracurricular activity, consider our Speech and Debate team. You might be good at that, and you would definitely enjoy it!) 25/25
